Let’s Talk About the Cost of Success and the Strength Behind Failure 🌍💔
Being a founder of a cleantech startup is hard. Plans fall apart, obstacles appear out of nowhere, and some days it feels like the whole world is ignoring you—at best—or out to undermine you at worst.
On social media, our feeds are filled with startup success stories. But let’s be honest: each success comes with hidden costs that are rarely talked about. And what about the failures? Any investor will tell you that 90% of startups won’t make it. But what happens to those founders? How do they pick themselves up and find the strength to try again?
The founder's journey is lonely, challenging, and sometimes downright heartbreaking. You’ll question your goals, feel disillusioned by your dreams, and wonder if you have the strength to keep going. And yet, somehow, you find it within you to press on.
We need more of these stories—the ones that reveal what it really takes to chase a vision. I shared one of mine recently, and now I’m inviting you to share yours. If you have a story to tell, drop me message from the Contact section of this website. If you’d prefer it stays private, just let me know. Sometimes, just writing it down helps. And hey, if anyone’s up for sharing their story publicly, I’d love to make it a podcast episode! 🎙️